Spin Wheel Program
Spin Wheel is built on the concept of fortune wheel dedicated for use in-store. You can use this wonderful feature to increase your sales. For example, you allow customers to spend $X amount in-store to enjoy a chance to spin and win.
Note: Not applicable for use on Shopify and other integration module.
Step 1: Spin Wheel Setup
• Go to admin portal, select Programs and click Spin Wheel Program.
• The next steps are (see image):
• The next steps are (see image):
1) Spin Wheel Title – Enter a name for your spin wheel. Example: Anniversary Spin & Win.
2) Item – Enter item name to be displayed on the spin wheel. Minimum 4 items required. Example: $5 voucher.
3) Color – Select the item color to be displayed on the spin wheel. Tap the color and key your preferred color code or select from the color chart dropdown.
4) Attach E-Voucher – This is optional. You can create and attach an e-voucher. If your customer has won an e-voucher, it will be added to his member account.
5) Upload Icon – This is optional. You can add an icon to be displayed on the spin wheel.
6) Next – You can select which of your store can use the spin wheel. Thereafter, please click Submit to launch your spin wheel.
Step 2: Ready To Play The Spin Wheel
Make sure that you have downloaded the merchant store app. If you haven’t, please do so at https://poket.com.sg/merchant-app
• Login to the store app.
• Tap the menu icon and select Spin Wheel
• Identify member on who will be playing the Spin Wheel
• Let customer tap the Spin Wheel.
Note: If the item won is a e-voucher which you have created, this e-voucher will be added to your member account. If the winning item is a physical gift, please pass the gift to the customer.